October 24, 2011

My little melon

It's been a while since I've written and honestly the weeks seem to be bleeding into one another.  I can't believe its November next week.  I feel like yesterday I was thinking, "Shit I can't believe its October next week".

So I'm 34 weeks now and baby weighs about as much as a cantaloupe (4.75lbs).   I kind of can't believe that the baby is this big and I'm only 3 weeks away from being considered full term.  We went to Nantucket this weekend for a little "babymoon" and it was beyond gorgeous.  It is the place you imagine when you think of a seaside New England town.  We had gorgeous fall weather all weekend, ate a TON of really ridiculously good food, walked around cobblestone streets, visited the Whaling Museum and went in stores that we couldn't possibly buy a thing.  We also watched a lot of Breaking Bad on the laptop - we are completely addicted to the series and will watch 3-4 episodes a night if possible. Netflix streaming is the best.

View from our balcony in Nantucket 

And below is what I see when I look down these days.  My belly feels enormous to me these days and lately the baby has been going bananas and moving like crazy to the point where it actually hurts sometimesI also think I've been getting more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions where my stomach feels so tight it feels like it could just burst.

And a side view.  Yes I took these while I was at work.  I needed a break and figured why not be awkward and try to take belly self portraits in my cubicle.  Also my shirt is not a maternity shirt and is struggling to cover my lower stomach. I'm awesome and have totally given up.

My best friend had a baby last week (!!!) and it sort of put me in a panic to get ready for our little one.  I'm working on a post of the things I'm doing to prepare before baby arrives so hopefully it'll be up this week. :)



  1. How freaking cute is that belly of yours?! Hugs and kisses to your little one! :-)

  2. Your belly is so cute!! And I am trying not to go into panic mode as well. I have 4 more weeks of work!! Oh goodness. So excited for you.

  3. you're so so so close!!! :) Your belly is gorgeous, and trust me... you'll be ready :)

  4. You look great! (and we are also addicted to streaming Breaking Bad on netflix with the 3-4 episodes a night - you are not alone!)


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